في دولة زامبيا تعقم الشركة الام ل #MCM منازل المواطنين بيت بيت وعريش عريش ضد البعوض (الناموس) مساهمة منها في حملة ضد مرض #الملاريا# كما تقدم ايضا الشركة الفحوصات والعلاجات اللازمة للمرضى وبالمجان .
ساكنة #أكجوجت خارج حسابات وتدخلات الشركة ....
As peak malaria season approaches, our team in Zambia is working with the National Malaria Elimination Plan to implement prevention measures, ensure that people are tested and treated and reduce the number of mosquitoes carrying malaria.
The team is responsible for carrying out targeted insecticide spraying, including people's homes, to reduce the number of malaria-infected mosquitos. They will also be monitoring the impact of their efforts to determine which insecticides are most effective.
Thank you to those involved for helping keep our communities safe.